Sunday, September 9, 2012

This Week Sept.10-13

Monday Sept 10
3:15 - 5:00pm  meet in room J151 (same as last year)
Bring running shoes and shorts to run in.
Make sure you are signed up in Community Education and your sports physical is turned in.
We also need Yellow emergency contact cards and the Green student conduct/concussion sheet turned in ASAP.

Tues. Sept 11
3:15 - 5:00pm
Bring running shoes and shorts to run in.

Wed. Sept 12
3:15 - 5:00pm
Bring running shoes and shorts to run in.

Rum River Invitational   @ Anoka HS 
Thurs Sept 13
3:15 - 6:45pm 
Bring running shoes and shorts to run in.
Bring water bottle and a healthy snack.

5:30PM Boys/Girls "C" Race  3000 Meters (1.86 miles)
Ribbons to top 10
You can pick-up your student after race in Anoka but, you MUST check in with the coaches before leaving.
Otherwise you must pick your student up at Jackson Middle School between 6:30 and 7:00pm.  There are No activity buses.

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