Thursday, August 28, 2014

Reminders for Thursday and Friday, August 28 & 29

2:45 PM Practice at the CPHS Track.

5:30 PM 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM, Potluck with high school team and families in the CPHS cafeteria.  Those middle school runners who trained this summer with the high school team are invited to attend (including their families), bring something to share if you'd like, but not necessary.

Friday - No practice due to the race at the St. Olaf Showcase.
If you want to race in the St. Olaf Showcase, please email Coach Crandall ASAP (contact information is on the blog site).

St. Olaf Showcase
Bus leaves CPHS at 8:00 AM
Boys' 5K at 10:00 AM
Girls' 4K at 11:00 AM

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