Sunday, September 28, 2014

Week 5 Preview and Team Photo, September 29 - October 4

Monday - Tuesday, 3:15-5:00pm, meet in room J151

Wednesday 10/1/2014 - Team and Individual Photos
3:15-5:00pm, meet in room J151 ready for team photo.
Wear your uniform and bring your completed photo order form.
We'll do a short run after pictures, so also be ready to run.

Thursday 10/2/2014 - Blaine Cross Country Invitational - Race Website, Course Map
Majestic Oaks Golf Course, 701 Bunker Lake Blvd NE, Ham Lake, MN
We'll meet near the swimming pool parking lot, not the classroom, time to be determined
Meet details and bus departure time will be posted on the blog site by Tuesday.
Everyone runs!

Friday (no practice) - Post Race Buddy Run on your 10 to 20 minutes at an "Easy Does It" pace to properly recover from Thursday's race.

Rebels Autumn Classic Results

Results of the Rebels Autumn Classic have been posted on the blog site and can also be found HERE.

Congratulations to Nick Bauer for his gutsy performance in winning the boys 2 mile race over Hartle Caden of Oak View...a spectacular race not won until the final meters at the finish.  It's always special when you see athletes competing to the final step...congrats to both boys...well done!

The Jackson Boys won the meet by only one point over Oak View due to key performances by the team's top five finishers...please refer to the results to see how the drama played out.

The Jackson Girls were lead by Annie Miller with a top ten finish and the team placed second behind a talented Oak View team.

Final note...the heat index for the day was unfavorable for racing and can have a various effect on runners.  All participants should be proud to have completed the race, no matter how they finished...well done!

We hope to have pictures from the race posted on the blog site sometime this week.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Rebels Autumn Classic - Friday, September 26th

Reminder we have a race tomorrow, Friday, September 26th at Northwoods Park in Brooklyn Park.  The park is located east of Winnetka on 109th Avenue.

Students, meet in class room J151 by 3:20pm ready to go to the meet and run.

At 3:30pm we will walk and jog as a team to Northwoods Park.  Students can put their valuables in the coach’s car for transportation to the park.

Students must be picked up at the park after the team cool down.

Race details have been posted on the blog site and can be found HERE.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Parents - Swain Invitational Participants

Just a few minutes ago we posted an important update on the blog site, which may be too large for the automatic email distribution.  Please go to the blog site and read the previous post about the Swain Invitational. If you want your student athlete to participate in the Swain Invite, you need to email Coach Crandall by Friday morning, September 26th so we can get them registered for the race.

Swain Invitational

The Swain Invitational is an optional race for 7th and 8th grade Jackson Cross Country runners.  The event is on Saturday, October 4th and located in Duluth, MN.  Traditionally the Champlin Park High School (CPHS) Rebels Cross Country Team invites a handful of Jackson 7th and 8th grade runners to be a part of the high school team at this event which includes:

Riding with the Rebels on the coach bus to Duluth
Participating in the sophomore race which is 4000 meters
Dinner with the team at Black Woods restaurant in Duluth

This is an all-day event.  Last year the team coach bus left CPHS at 6:30am...returned to CPHS around 8:00pm.  Each student is required to bring money for a short pit stop in Hinkley, dinner, and a Swain t-shirt (suggest up to $45 if you want a t-shirt).

PARENTS - The Jackson coaching staff is in the process of considering athletes for this event. If you would like your student athlete to participate in the event, please email Coach Crandall ( by Friday morning, September 26th so we can get them registered for the race.

To be considered for this event the student athlete must:
1) Be respectful to everyone on the team, the coaching staff, competitors, and anyone we encounter during our workouts and race events.
2) Be participating in all workouts with the team to the best of their ability.  Workouts include all runs, intervals, and exercises (including hips and abs!).  Stating you did "push-ups" earlier is not participating with the team...view it as extra credit!
3) Be a good role model...being lazy is NOT a good role model.
4) Be a good sport in all games. We all have different abilities and want to have fun. Let's have fun together...not at the expense of others.
5) Be passionate about participating in Cross Country!  We're building the future Rebels XC Team!

Note...race times are NOT a strongly considered factor.

Finally, there is a 7th and 8th grade race, however it is too early for us to make based on the 6:30am departure time.  If you are planning to drive to Duluth and want to have your student athlete participate in the 7th and 8th grade race, please let me know by Friday so we can get them registered and provide you the race day details.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Week 4 Preview, September 22-27

Monday - Thursday, 3:15-5:00pm, meet in room J151 ready to run.

Friday - 1st Annual Rebels Autumn Classic at Northwoods Park (Brooklyn Park, MN).
Meet in room J151 before 3:25pm ready to jog to the park.
Please see the meet details posted on the blog site for complete schedule, etc.

Saturday - Possible optional run with the high school team...more details to come.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Milaca Mega Meet Results

Results for the Milaca Mega Meet have been posted on the blog site.

Pictures have not been posted yet. Hopefully posted by the end of the weekend.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Week 3 Preview, September 15-20

Monday - Thursday, 3:15-5:00pm, meet in room J151 ready to run.
Friday, no organized practice.  Please run for 10 minutes - "easy does it".

Saturday - Milaca Mega Meet
Bus leaves at 7:30am SHARP - West parking lot by swimming pool entrance.
Please see the meet details posted on the blog site for complete schedule, etc.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Rum River Race Results and Pictures

Full race results and pictures from the Rum River Invitational have been posted on the blog site.

We competed in the "C" race which was not exclusively middle school students.  Mounds View won the boys team race, HOWEVER their team primarily consisted of 9th and 10th graders.  After rescoring the meet without 9th-12th graders, the JACKSON BOYS WON with 40 points!

True middle school boys team results:
1 - 40 points - Jackson (Champlin Park)
2 - 75 points - Benilde-St. Margaret
3 - 80 points - St. Louis Park
4 - 85 points - Anoka
5 - 96 points - Osseo
6 - 142 points - Northwest
The remaining teams did not have enough runners for a team score (need 5 finishers).

In the girls race there were a handful of 9th-12th graders, however they did not materially impact the team scores.  Our girls were fantastic placing a strong 4th, just 4 points behind 3rd place Osseo.  It was a strong field and our girls should be very proud of their race.

Congratulations to all runners! You've completed our first race of the season and grew stronger both physically and mentally.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Saturday Morning Run At Ice Forum

The middle school runners and their parents are encouraged to run/walk this Saturday 9/13/2014 from the Ice Forum at 8:00 am.  This is an invitation from the Champlin Park High School and Jackson Middle School Cross Country Coaching Staff.  The mileage will vary from four to nine miles and take place in Elm Creek Park Reserve.  Run/walking is acceptable for the four to five mileage group!  Water will be place at the 2.5 mile mark and the 6 mile mark.  Please join us (parents included) and boost your running experience.  Mingle with the coaching staff!

When:  Saturday, September 13th, 8 am.
Where: Champlin Ice Forum
Route:  Out and back in Elm Creek Park Reserve

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Rum River Invitational Live Results

Click HERE for live results for today's race. Jackson is Champlin Park in results.

Bus leaves Jackson at 3:30pm. Return to Jackson between 6:30-6:45pm.
You can pick up your student after the race, but you MUST check in with the coaches before leaving.

Race Schedule and Awards:
3:30pm  Girls Junior Varsity                      4K
4:00pm  Boys Junior Varsity                      5K
4:30pm  Girls Varsity                                 4K
5:00pm  Boys Varsity                                 5K
5:30pm  Middle School B/G (“C” Race)     3K (1.86 miles)

Varsity  T-shirts to top 20
JV         Medals to top 15
MS        Ribbons to top 10
Awards will be handed out in the finish chute

No Team awards

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Jackson Cross Country Ice Bucket Challenge

Please click HERE to donate to The ALS Association and inquire about an employer match.

Click HERE to watch the YouTube video of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Week 2 Preview, September 8-13

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 3:15-5:00pm, meet in room J151 ready to run.
Wednesday we'll be issued uniforms...please don't miss this practice.

Thursday - Rum River Invitational (20140911)
Meet in room J151 by 3:20pm ready to go to the meet and run.  Do not bring your instruments to the class room or to the meet...our bus will not stay at the meet.  A different bus will return.
Bring clothing appropriate for the weather, running shoes, uniform and shorts, extra dry t-shirt.
Bring a full water bottle and a healthy snack.
Bus leaves at 3:30pm sharp from the swimming pool parking lot.

Complete "meet details" for Rum River Invitational (20140911) are posted on the blog site.

No organized practice on Fridays at Jackson Middle School.

Possible optional practice Saturday morning at the Ice Forum with the CPHS Rebels...more details to come.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Jackson Tent

How do you find Jackson Cross Country at meets?  Look for the Jackson tent...the mark of our base camp.

This tent was generously donated by parents of a runner...THANK YOU!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Completed Week 1 - Review

We've completed Week 1 but it was short...only two days.  Everyone responded well and are probably sore from the extra activity.  The energy and enthusiasm of this group is awesome!  The coaching staff can't keep up!

Many kids are not bringing water bottles to practice.  Proper hydration is critical for safety and performance.  Please make sure you are bringing a water bottle to practice and to meets.

The following administrative papers were handed out at the end of the first day of practice and must be returned completed before next Thursday, otherwise you can't race.  Most of you have completed this process...thank you.  Please ask a coach for the papers if you do not have them:
Blue - Jackson Middle School Athletic Rules
Green - Anoka-Hennepin Community Education Eligibility Information
Yellow - Heath Emergency Care Record

Finally, you must have a sports physical on file with Community Ed before you can race on Thursday, September 11th. Most of you have completed this process...thank you.

Extra Credit:
If you haven't already, please refer to the Training Guide and Mileage Log on the blog site to 1) record your mileage or activity, and 2) do some suggested training over the weekend.  It's important to keep your body in motion when it is sore, but don't over do it.  Finish your workout refreshed and always drink plenty of water.  Keep in mind this guide was designed to peak on October 9th and for a beginner to an advanced middle school runner.  Finally, never workout with a buddy and be safe.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Week 1 Preview, September 3-4 (short week) FIRST DAY OF PRACTICE IS WEDNESDAY

Wednesday and Thursday, 3:15-5:00 PM, meet in room J151 ready to run.

Room J151 is located across the hall and to the left of the Community Education Office...just left of exit Door 2.

This classroom will be locked while we are running so you can securely leave your instruments, backpacks, etc. in the classroom.

Make sure you are signed up in Community Education and your sports physical is turned in.

Labor Day Run

Labor Day practice is at 6:00 PM at the CPHS track with the high school team.