Thursday, September 11, 2014

Rum River Invitational Live Results

Click HERE for live results for today's race. Jackson is Champlin Park in results.

Bus leaves Jackson at 3:30pm. Return to Jackson between 6:30-6:45pm.
You can pick up your student after the race, but you MUST check in with the coaches before leaving.

Race Schedule and Awards:
3:30pm  Girls Junior Varsity                      4K
4:00pm  Boys Junior Varsity                      5K
4:30pm  Girls Varsity                                 4K
5:00pm  Boys Varsity                                 5K
5:30pm  Middle School B/G (“C” Race)     3K (1.86 miles)

Varsity  T-shirts to top 20
JV         Medals to top 15
MS        Ribbons to top 10
Awards will be handed out in the finish chute

No Team awards

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