Sunday, September 25, 2016

9/26-10/1 Schedule

Monday through Thursday - Practice after school, meet in Victory Gym

Wednesday, 9/28 - Team Pictures in Uniform
Wear your uniform
Bring your completed order form (forms were distributed last week, check your backpack!)

Saturday, 10/1 - Swain Invitational, 7th and 8th grade only
If you would like to participate in the Swain Invitation in Duluth, please contact Coach Crandall via email ( before noon on Monday, September 26th.  Race entries are due Monday afternoon.  At this time we do not know if  there is room on the high school bus, so you may need to provide your own transportation to the meet which is in Duluth.  Races start at 10am.  More details via email if you are interested.

Monday, September 19, 2016

9/19-9/24 Schedule

Monday through Thursday - Practice after school, meet in Victory Gym
Friday - No practice, please jog (easy does it) for 25 minutes with a friend, then stretch.
Saturday - Milaca Mega Meet...details HERE.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Jackson Girls Win Rum River Invitational "C" Race

The trio of Atley Schreiner, Hayley Jiracek, and Anna Marsolek finished 2, 3, and 4, respectively, to secure the win over 8 teams at yesterday's Rum River Invitational girls "C" race.  Lilly O'Connor and Caitlin McArdle placed 16th and 44th, respectively to round out the top 5 scorers.   The team score was 59, 19 points better than runner-up St. Louis Park which had a team score of 78. In cross country, the team with the lowest score wins based on the team's top 5 finishers.

The boys were lead by Ben Fischer who placed 3rd overall and was the first middle school participant to finish.  Kyle Ostendorf (32), Keegan Poston (33), Garrett Doty (45), and Clayton Klema (62) were the remaining team scorers, resulting in a team score of 134 and good enough for 4th place in a 13 team race.  But this was a "C" race which means the competitors where not just middle school students.  The race also included 9th-12th graders.  If the meet were to be rescored to include only 6th-8th graders, the Jackson boys would win!

Congratulations to all the Jackson participants.  This was a very challenging event due to the weather and the coaching staff is very proud of everyone's positive attitude and effort.  Well done!

Full meet results HERE.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Bus is at Jackson Pool Parking Area

Craig A. Crandall, CPA CVA
Sent from my mobile phone
(763) 360-8912

Jackson Bus Delayed Back To Jackson

Bus is NOW leaving Anoka.
ETA to Jackson is 6:20pm.

Sorry for all the confusion

Craig A. Crandall, CPA CVA
Sent from my mobile phone
(763) 360-8912

Rum River Invite Race Time Change

Due to the weather, the race director changed the start time from 5:55 pm to 5:16 pm, possibly earlier.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Thursday's Race - Rum River Invite

Our first race is Thursday, September 15th.  The Rum River Invitational.  Please find all details regarding the meet HERE.

Meet in Victory Gym BEFORE 3:25, ready to get on the bus and race
We cannot leave any valuables in Victory Gym
As a group we will walk from the gym to the pool parking area
Bus leaves at 3:30 from pool parking area
No valuables can be left on the bus
A different bus will return the team to the Jackson pool parking area 7:00-7:15pm
Parents/guardians can take their kids home from the meet after they notify one of the coaches

Bring clothing appropriate for the weather, running shoes, uniform and shorts, extra dry t-shirt.
Bring a full water bottle and a healthy snack.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

9/12-9/17 Schedule

Here is the schedule for this week (9/12-9/17):

Monday - Practice after school, meet in Victory Gym
Tuesday - Practice after school, meet in Victory Gym
Wednesday - Practice after school, meet in Victory Gym

Thursday - Rum River Invitational (our first race!)
  • Meet in Victory Gym BEFORE 3:25, ready to run and race
  • We cannot leave any valuables in Victory Gym
  • As a group we will walk from the gym to the pool parking area
  • Bus leaves at 3:30 from pool parking area
  • No valuables can be left on the bus
  • A different bus will return to Jackson pool parking area 7:00-7:15pm
Friday - No practice (buddy run with a friend)
Saturday - Morning run with the Rebels at Champlin Ice Form at 8am

T-shirt order form and payment is due at practice on Monday 9/12.  Make checks payable to "CPHS XC".  Coach Crandall (763.360.8912) will be ordering the t-shirts very early Tuesday morning.  Order forms where given to the students last Thursday.  Here are the form details:

Price $14, make checks payable to "CPHS XC".
T-shirt is made of 100% polyester and is a moisture-wicking performance t-shirt
Men's and Ladies sizes are available (XS, S, M, L, XL)
Sorry, no youth sizes available.
Ladies t-shirt has a V-neck and is gently contoured.
Men's t-shirt has a crew neck and is not gently contoured.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Location Change for the First Day of Practice

On the first day of practice the Jackson Cross Country Running Club (Jackson Cross Country Team) will meet in the cafeteria before going as a group to the Victory Gym (wrestling room), not in classroom J151 as previously communicated.  After the first day, we will always meet in the Victory Gym to start practice.

If you haven't registered for our fall running program, please do so as soon as possible.  First day of practice is Wednesday, September 7th. (REGISTRATION WEBSITE).  Space is limited!

A Minnesota State High School League Sports Physical is required (FORM).

To see our meet schedule, where to buy running shoes, coaches contact information, results, pictures, and other great stuff, view this blog site in the "web version" (not "mobile version").  The links are listed on the right.

About the First Day of Practice (9/7/2016)
First Day of Practice Handout
Proper Running Shoes
2016 Meet Schedule
Volunteer to help Jackson Cross Country (WALKERS NEEDED!)