Sunday, September 25, 2016

9/26-10/1 Schedule

Monday through Thursday - Practice after school, meet in Victory Gym

Wednesday, 9/28 - Team Pictures in Uniform
Wear your uniform
Bring your completed order form (forms were distributed last week, check your backpack!)

Saturday, 10/1 - Swain Invitational, 7th and 8th grade only
If you would like to participate in the Swain Invitation in Duluth, please contact Coach Crandall via email ( before noon on Monday, September 26th.  Race entries are due Monday afternoon.  At this time we do not know if  there is room on the high school bus, so you may need to provide your own transportation to the meet which is in Duluth.  Races start at 10am.  More details via email if you are interested.

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