Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Rum River Invitational
Thursday 9/12/2013
Anoka High School

Meet in class room J151 by 3:20, ready to run.  We will walk to the swimming pool parking lot to get on the bus.
Bus leaves Jackson at 3:30PM Sharp! Return to Jackson between 6:15-6:45PM.
You can pick up your student after the race, but you MUST check in with the coaches before leaving.
Bring clothing appropriate for the weather, running shoes, uniform and shorts, full water bottle.
Bring a healthy snack.

Race Schedule and Awards:
3:30PM Girls Junior Varsity                          4000 Meters
4:00PM Boys Junior Varsity                          5000 Meters
4:30PM Girls Varsity                                      4000 Meters
5:00PM Boys Varsity                                      5000 Meters
5:30PM Middle School B/G                         3000 Meters

Varsity                  T-shirts to top 20
JV                           Medals to top 15
MS                         Ribbons to top 10
Awards will be handed out in the finish chute
No Team awards

Pre-Race Nutrition and General Nutrition:
Drink plenty of water the day and night before races. 
Always eat healthy…fresh fruits and vegies, whole grains, lean meats.
Avoid fatty and greasy foods…read the labels.
Eat a dinner higher in carbohydrates such as spaghetti or pasta the night before a race.
Drink water throughout the day of a race.
Avoid acidic foods such as oranges and apples the day of a race to help ease your stomach.
Avoid extreme changes in your diet which can cause digestive problems.  Make changes gradual.
Bananas and raisins in moderation are awesome race day snacks if common in your current diet.
Our races are short and do not require special dietary needs such as extreme carb loading.

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